Sunday, November 14, 2021

Robin in Green Ice (11/9/1966) & Deep Freeze (11/10/1966)


Robin the Boy Wonder is the eager, youthful sidekick of Batman, the Caped Crusader, the vigilante crime-fighting alias of millionaire playboy Bruce Wayne.  Introduced in 1940 as orphaned acrobat Dick Grayson in the DC comic book series Batman, Robin was played by Burt Ward in the 1966 television series on ABC.

As played by Burt Ward, Robin has a cute, boyish face, clean-cut, brown hair, and a compact, athletic physique which fits perfectly with his character's acrobatic background.  His colorful outfit, with his dark green mask, gloves, and booties, his bright, red shirt, his shiny, yellow cape, his tight, green panties, and his form-fitting, flesh-color leggings, certainly catches the audience's attention.

Due to his youth, inexperience, and smaller size, the Boy Wonder is clearly the weak link in the Dynamic Duo, which their opponents often seek to exploit.  Robin is also cocky, enthusiastic, and overly eager to prove his independent crime-fighting abilities, especially to Batman.  He is often in trouble and in need of rescue.

This week's villain is Mr. Freeze.  

In the first episode, Batman and Robin are immobilized by Mr. Freeze's freeze gun and placed in an oversized frosty-freezie-maker.

In the next episode, Batman and Robin escape by altering the settings for the heat exhaust valves with their feet and reversing the refrigeration process of the frosty-freezie-maker.

Favorite shots:

In the second episode, during a fight, Robin is stunned by a punch by a henchman, falls into the arms of another henchman, placed on a gurney, and rolled into the cell where Mr. Freeze was keeping Miss Iceland, whom he kidnapped earlier.  Batman follows the Boy Wonder into the cell, ejects the two henchmen, revives his young sidekick, and finds that Mr. Freeze has closed the gate behind them.  Once again, Robin proves himself to be the weak link of the Dynamic Duo.

After they escape the frosty freezie maker and confront Mr. Freeze, the Dynamic Duo find Miss Iceland encased in a block of ice.  Personally, I believe that the Boy Wonder also would have looked good encased in a block of ice.  

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